The Nile Project was birthed out of our intuitive knowing that the world needs a place for collaborative, feminine ways of healing and creating.

Our lives are meant to be in the rivers of creativity. When we’re connected to it and others, we discover our truest selves. Here at the Nile Project our aim is to (re)connect you to this life source through understanding your trauma, attending to your body, and making meaning out of your story.

Women are naturally attuned to the wisdom found in the body. Throughout history they have interfered with violence done to bodies, have brought physical healing to the masses, and have used their stories of pain to change culture. Their intuition, creativity, and voice have been beacons of light and yet due to many forms of oppression, their bodies have been wounded or worse, discarded. Women, though, have been persistent and tenacious about making their lives known, yet it has come at a cost. There is more to heal and there is more to reclaim.

One insidious form of oppression is white supremacist patriarchy. This invisible and pervasive system has infiltrated nearly every system of power on earth. Women know intellectually that our bodies are good, our voices are needed, and that it is ok to take up space in the world — and yet we feel hatred towards our bodies, wonder if we have anything significant to contribute, and feel the need to be as small as possible. This is because patriarchal oppression is traumatizing to our body, mind, and soul — and trauma isn’t healed through intellectual knowing. We heal from trauma by approaching what has needed to become deadened in order to survive, feeling all there is to feel, and experiencing something new in our body and in relationship.

When women prioritize their healing through reclaiming their intuition, creativity, and voice the world is beautifully disrupted, making healing possible for all.

The Nile Project is dedicated to facilitating somatic, dynamic healing spaces to help participants move through the frozen quiet of trauma, in order to find the powerful ways of being and expressing that live deep within.